This article will provide details into getting started with creating Apps with the Smart Builder SDK.

What are Apps?

Apps are third-party components that can work together with Smart Builder that help you leverage all features that the system can achieve.

Smart Builder consists of built-in components to use alongside Apps, allowing you the library of creating apps and components in Smart Builder that are customizable.

App Types

Apps in Smart Builder can be broken down into two types, Add-On Apps or Connected Apps.

Add-On Apps allow for additional functionality and don’t require a third-party tool, (i.e. countdown timer, image carousel, button styles).

Connected Apps allow third-party tools to be connected and used in the Smart Builder platform, (i.e. Typeform, Paypal, Vimeo).

Adding Apps

There are three ways Apps can be added to a Smart Builder page:

  1. Apps can be added via a slot component, for example the Jotform App embeds a form into a slot on the page.

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  2. Apps can be added via a section template, for example the Stripe App adds a unique section template with multiple components pulled in from the Stripe API.

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  3. Lastly, Apps can be applied at the page level, for example the Instant Messenger App adds a message interface that is applied to the entire page.

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Control Modules

All Apps require control modules where the end user can control an app’s custom settings or apply default settings. These control modules must match the UX Guidelines found in this guide.