You can test your App in the Unbounce Smart Builder using a specific in-app tool and your App’s manifest. Here’s a brief video describing these steps in more detail.

The feature for testing Apps locally must be added to your account by the Unbounce Team. Reach out to your Technology Partnership Manager ([email protected]) to get access to the tool. Please specify which client in your Unbounce account you want to use for testing.

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Start and serve your app locally, as per these instructions, your app will be automatically added to the ‘Test Your App’ section.

The ‘Test Your App’ feature will load any App that is on your local machine’s 8081 port. If you change the port number in your manifest, you can clear your App and put in the new port number.

Install your App and it’ll now be available in the Change Element list.

Install your App and it’ll now be available in the Change Element list.

Please note that debugging App errors is not available in the Smart Builder. If you’re having issues with your App loading, please reach out to the Unbounce team to get help troubleshooting.